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Minimalist Bootcamp
Foundation module
Welcome to Minimalist Bootcamp (2:56)
How Minimalist Bootcamp Works
Support during the Minimalist Bootcamp 30 day program (1:58)
Minimalist Bootcamp Facebook Group
Download: Your workbook + 30 day tracker
Find your why
Challenge: 30 day spending pause
What to do when your partner won't declutter
Prepare for the purge
Facebook Live Lessons
Module 1: Home Decluttering 101
How to work through the Home Decluttering 101 module (4:57)
3 reasons standing between you and clutter free (10:43)
Sentimental Items
Letting go of sentimental items
BONUS: How to declutter Collections
BONUS: How to declutter a craft / hobby room
Let's chat about your Bathroom
Tips for a clutter free bathroom
What to let go
Plan of attack: Categories and Clutter Hot Spots
Let's chat about your Kitchen
Tips for a clutter free kitchen
What to let go
What to invest in
Plan of attack: Categories and Clutter Hot Spots
BONUS: Pantry
Let's chat about your Bedroom
Tips for a clutter free bedroom
What to let go
Plan of attack: Categories and Clutter Hotspots
Let's chat about your Wardrobe
Tips for a clutter free wardrobe
What to let go
Plan of attack
BONUS: Creating a seasonal minimalist wardrobe capsule
BONUS: Minimalist wardrobe lessons from a stylist
Study / Office Space
Let's chat about your Workspace
Tips for a clutter free workspace
What to let go
Plan of attack: Categories and Clutter Hotspots
Let's chat about your Laundry
Tips for a clutter free laundry
What to let go
Plan of attack: Categories and Clutter Hot Spots
Living Room
Let's chat about your Living Room
Tips for a clutter free Living Room
What to let go
Plan of attack: Categories and Clutter Hot Spots
Let's chat about your garage
Tips for a clutter free garage
Plan of attack: Categories
How to declutter and digitalise printed photographs
Module 2 - Digital Decluttering: 3 steps to a manageable inbox
3 steps to a manageable inbox
Step 1: Divide and conquer
Step 2: Unsubscribe
Step 3: Deal with HOLD
Tips for a clutter free inbox
Module 2 - Digital Decluttering: Overcome social media overwhelm
Overcome social media overwhelm
Facing your Fear Of Missing Out
Facing your fear of offending people
How to declutter Facebook
Turn off social media and email notifications
Module 2 - Digital Decluttering: Transform paper piles into digital files with your smartphone and Evernote
Digitalising paper work
What you'll need
Divide and conquer
How to create a basic filing system in Evernote
Dealing with incoming papers and maintaining clutter free
Module 2 - Digital Decluttering: Declutter files on your computer
Step 1: Start with a clear desktop
Step 2: Delete documents / files easily identifiable as trash
Step 3: Review and label all existing documents / files
Step 4: Dealing with digital photos
Module 3 - Design and Live Your Best Normal Week
Introduction: Design your best normal week (7:51)
Design Your Best Normal Week
Create a simple 'time budget' for a productive week
How to master your to do list using Trello
5 tips to manage digital distractions
5 steps to set and get your goal (14:28)
Bonus eGuide - Sell your stuff
Bonus eGuide: Sell your stuff
COMING SOON! Bonus eGuide: 20 tips to create a happy day and productive schedule
COMING SOON! Bonus eGuide: 20 tips to create a happy day and productive schedule
Tips for a clutter free bathroom
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